Meet Team TAPBPR.
Reem Satti, PhD
Reem joined the lab in October 2018 to start a PhD investigating molecular mechanisms behind tumour and viral antigen presentation. She was awarded the Wildy studentship based on academic merit, named in memory of Professor Peter Wildy, Professor of Pathology and a former Fellow of Gonville and Caius, where Reem currently resides.
In 2018, she graduated with a first class Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Medical Science from University College London (UCL). Under the supervision of Dr Alizera Mani (UCL), her honours dissertation generated a novel non-invasive tool that predicts patient mortality and facilitates organ transplant allocation, by employing computational quantification of physiological memory in cardiac rhythm from patients with liver cirrhosis. During her Bachelor's degree, Reem also spent some time partnering with Master Students with Dr Andrew Williams (UCL) to explore the role of neutrophils in the pathogenesis of inflammatory lung disease, including acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).